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Monday 24 June 2013

How to make Photoshop Pencil Sketch Effect?

Adobe Photoshop CS6- Pencil Sketch Effect :

A pencil is a writing implement and its is an art medium, in our childhood age we are commonly using pencil often but now a days we are not even smell a pencil.  Ask any artist and they'll tell you that all the tubes of paint in the world cannot replace the simple pencil when it comes to artistic potential. Through the centuries, the litmus test of an artist's ability was demonstrated best through the medium of drawing. In days of yore, student painters spent years drawing with graphite to hone their skills.
Some of the famous pencil artistic are JD Hillberry, Brain Duey, T.S. Abe, Cesar Del Valle, Henrik, Linda Huber.  These people are using some artistic tools for drawing but you are now going to see some ease way of drawing in pencil using one tool (i.e.) Photoshop CS6.  In this technique you are going to see some techniques using layers, Filter Tools and basic tools.

Example Image I sketched with pencil using Photoshop CS6 shown below:

Step 1: Open the image

Step 2:  Open the Layer Menu Box is in parallel to the left of the Tools Bar, in that right click on the Background à Duplicate Layer.

Step 3: One Popup Window will appear, if you want to rename it delete Background Copy and rename it and hit “OK”.

After creating a background the image will be like shown below.

Step 4: Now we have to Desaturate the image (i.e. black and white) for that Goto àImage àAdjustments àDesaturate, this step is for Background Copy Layer.

Step 5: Click the Background Layer in the Layer Menu Box and repeat Step 4.

Step 6: Now you have to Invert a image, for that Goto àImage àAdjustment àInvert.  This is for Background Copy Layer.

Once you will select the Invert, it will change all black to white and all white to black.

Step 7: Now you going to make “Color Dodge”, Color Dodge is the blending change styles. 
Just you click on  “Normal”  in the Layer Menu Box like in the above image.  Many list of blending changes will displays, on that click on to Color Dodge like shown below.

Step 8: Now you have to make the image Blur with “Gaussian Blur”.  For that Goto àFilter àBlur àGaussian Blur.

Step 9: In Gaussian Blur set the Pixels into “40”

Now you can draw your own images without using any pencils

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